European languages like French, German, Italian and Spanish are picking up steam in terms of professional usage among Asians and Americans apart from people in other continents. The European business environment and the market recruitment strategies give more emphasis on qualifications as well as professional standards of an individual.

For a foreigner to focus his or her professional carrier in an European country , one needs to be tick all the above points of getting qualified along with the major task of mastering that native language.

We have Post Graduate Business Programme offered by Indo German Chamber of Commerce with internships and job placements. Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce offering basic professional level competency courses apart from Alliance Française , Max Muller Bhavan – Goethe Institute , Instituto Hispania offer a wide variety of foreign language study options across India and other countries.

Business French offered in Here and Now, a French Language Training Institute located in Chennai under the guidance of Mr Ruthran Raghavan , a self-confessed unimaginable lover of French and a French language expert conducts a variety of courses for students and working professionals out of which Diploma In Business French is an uniquely structured course to Frenchify you professionally into the French speaking industries.

There are a variety of job offers by companies like Amazon and other schools or industries where foreign language teachers as well as interpreters are in very high demand.
Business French – The Special Domain
When we learn a language, we definitely learn all the major aspects of it like grammar, conversations and comprehension etc along with a diverse range of topics for discussion and debate. In this quest of learning the language, the limit of learning BUSINESS FRENCH also expands its tentacles as well as reaches out to a variety of industry related domains like Humana Resources, Marketing and Sales, Public Relations and Corporate Communication, Operations, Production and Administration etc to name a few.
In the recent Global Investors Meet in Chennai companies representing various segments like automobile (Renault), construction (Saint Gobain), food processing (Lactalis) telecommunications (Alcatel) electricity supply and distribution (Alstom Grid) had signed MOUs in the presence of the French ambassador His Excellency Monsieur Fracois Richier and the honourable Chief Minister of TN , Miss J Jayalalitha for starting new operations and services here.

Now along with mastering the language, we also are taught industry level jargons and technical words that also form a major crux of the study and assignments. Issues like labour strikes, recruitments and resignations, import- export, startup culture, stock markets and various other facets of industry related stuffs are taught and discussed.
In this entire process of learning using smart technologies, playing games with apps like Duolingo and Kahoot apart from Youtube videos and online applications will also be an added delicacy to this sweet professional pie.
With time, one needs to evolve and strategize teaching models which would have a far reaching impact on the learners. So films, videos, songs, role plays, fun sessions as well as reading and writing is encouraged in order to boost up our linguistic capabilities for serving the industry.
France, as a major business partner of India has established several industries and outlets in the domains of servicing and production industries like Alcatel , Total, St Gobain, Renault Nissan, Publicis, Solardirect and Lafarge etc
Many companies too have recently signed MOUs for future collaborations in India : Alstom Transport, CAN, Dassault, EDF Energies Nouvelles, Egis, Lumiplan, Pomagalski, Schneider Electric and Thales.
The functional usage of Professional French will lead you to lucrative industry offers namely as a customer service representative, language interpreter, professor, technical positions like field engineers, communication specialists, writer and administrative positions like admin managers in French NGOs etc apart from a variety of long spanning careers in Marketing, Operations, Business Affairs, Engineering and Production domains in Francophone countries like Senegal, Canada, Burundi, Monaco, Luxembourg, Belgium, Djibouti, Niger and Congo to name a few.
The major victory of this course is more importantly about interacting with French speaking citizens or getting used to a French working environment, since it is recognized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce as well as other French speaking countries.

One needs to imbibe various aspects like comprehending abilities of authentic and native French speakers, able to play with emotions and words, send business mails, critically analyze case studies and give a more reasoned opinion and decision on professional aspects of the market and industry.
Hence various levels like the elementary A1 and A2 , professional levels of B1 and B2 and finally the level for mastering the subject – C1 and C2 exists though C1 and C2 is a separate study altogether.
In a typical French firm, we need to address issues of our clients and employees as well as coordinate with our workers or managers etc which warrants a decent level of technical usage of language, rather than fanciful usage of expressions or vocabularies.
Certain examples like how do you address a labour unrest, how do you manage a sudden resignation or some official crisis, how to coordinate in designing and modifying automobile parts, how to fix technical issues of customer related products, how to convince people in buying your products with smart and sensible marketing, how to convince an angry customer etc are all taught in this course which is very dynamically structured keeping in mind the industry and market conditions.

So hence along with all the other major achievements and collaborations with other countries, France too has a greater potential in areas of renewable energy, manufacturing, automobile production, infrastructure industry, oil and gas sectors as well as IT services which are among the top priorities in terms of job creation as well as investments in the Indian job market which in turn gets translated into professional opportunities for many to be a part of this growing and promising domain of French related aspects.