TEF Canada

TEF Canada

What is TEF Exam?

TEF is an abbreviation of Test d’evaluation de français (French Evaluation Test in English). This exam was created by CCI, Chambre of Commercre & Industry, Paris, Ile-de-France in 1998 and conducted in various parts of the world. This test is an international benchmark which measures the level of knowledge and skills in French just like IELTS or TOEFEL for English.

What are the different types of TEF Exams and who should take which TEF Exam?

There are 5 types of TEF Exams conducted for 5 different purposes. Please consult the table below for more info

Types of TestsName of the testMeaning in EnglishPurpose of the testMandatory Parts
Type 1TEF ÉtudesTEF AcademicsTo study in FranceListening, Reading, Grammar & Vocabulary, Speaking
Type 2TEF NaturalisationTEF Admittance (French Citizenship)For French NationalityListening & Speaking
Type 3TEF Carte de résidentTEF Resident CardTo reside in FranceListening, Reading, Writing & Speaking
Type 4TEF CanadaTEF CanadaFor Canadian PRListening, Reading, Writing & Speaking
Type 5TEF Québec – TEFAQTEF access to QuebecPR for QuebecListening, Reading, Writing & Speaking
Différents Part of the TEF Exam
PartsNumber of SectionsNumber of questionsDurationMaximum Score
Listening (Compréhension orale) 4 5060 Minutes 699
Reading (Compréhension des écrits) 4 6040 Minutes 699
Writing (Expression écrite) 2 260 Minutes 699
Speaking (Expression orale) 2 215 Minutes 699
Grammar & Vocabulary (Lexique structure) 4 4030 Minutes 699
(Test d’Évaluation de Français pour le Canada)

What is TEF Canada Exam?

Canada (French Evaluation Test for Canada) is a test which assesses the level of proficiency in French of francophones (non-native French speakers). The TEF Canada is recognized as official proof of language proficiency by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) as well as by the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés Culturelles du Québec (MICC) for permanent residency applications

Scoring System for TEF Canada
TEF Score 0 – 99 100-199 200 – 299 300 – 349 350 – 399 400 – 449 450 – 499 500 – 532 533 – 565 566 – 599 600 – 649 650 – 699
CECR Level <A1A1A2B1B1B2B2C1C1C1C2C2
NCLC Level 012 & 3456789101112

CECR – Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (in English: common european framework of reference for languages)

NCLC – Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (in English: Canadian Language Benchmarks)