Prep My Future
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Study efficiently, PrepMyFuture provides an adaptative learning strategies. Learn at your own pace, Learn faster or slower depending on your needs. Difficulty of the questions adapted to your proficiency level. Various mock exams available
“Study more effectively any time anywhere with the e-learning test preparation platform Prepmyfuture!” prepmyfuture is the private learning that aims at providing a new generation of online study materials through recent development of online technologies. They have recently teamed up with the chamber of commerce and industry of paris in order to promote the french as the tool for professional communication. This platform was accepted by hundreds of schools. The online platform helps you to prepare for your exams with its adaptive content and dedicative learning material. The prepmyfuture online kit can be purchased for the exams:
- TEF preparation module
- DFP preparation module (A1 to B2)
- DELF B2 preparation module
Achille Pinson (founder):
“I’ve been developing educational websites since 2002. I was 14 years old . If you took the french Baccalaureate in the 00s, you probably used one of my websites. I started adaptive courses in 2007. Before starting a company I studied finance and computer science. Then I joined helpmycash, a fast growing fin-tech setup based in Barcelona . I started as a part-time intern working remotely as a student in Canada, and when I graduated I became the project manager of the company. We built a powerful recommendation engine for the montage industry. In 2010 I left the company in order to apply everything I’ve learnt about big data and started up the textbook industry.”

The GMAT seemed to be excellent starting point:
- We knew the test very well as the test takers
- We signed a partnership with the specialized publisher and excellent teacher
- We had a good knowledge of the existing master place and were convinced that we could do better, and at a more competitive price.
This first version of the service also attracted the interest of a big test prep company who made several offers to buy an exclusive licence of our technology. These offers allowed us to gain credibility with investors, allowing us to raise some funds to develop our company while remaining independent.
In 2013 we had a new challenge : make it easy to create any course on our adaptive platform. It would be difficult to make:
- The GMAT platform has quickly shown its technical limits to scale with no more than 10,000 students they were generating million of data points every month our algorithm is efficient from a pedagogical point of view but they were stretching the servers to their limits and we therefore need to redesign the whole platform
- Partnerships with traditional publishers were long and difficult to set up.
Our ambition:
Since 2017, we have our own publishing team and we are multiplying the number of partnerships with top-tier publishers (Pearson, Hatier, Vuibert). Our content portfolio is growing fast. The platform is becoming better every day with additional content, new features, improved algorithms and our users’ feedback. We are developing new courses (French and Spanish test preparation, nursing exams, …).
With increased user growth, we have more and more feedback and analytics to improve the service. As the platform becomes more efficient and more popular, we attract the best authors and publishers. Having this virtuous circle in place, we want to develop PrepMyFuture as fast as we can.
Teacher virtual assistant :
Our publisher partners were great at selling books, but we were still not able to sell the online resources efficiently. We needed to work directly with schools.
Our first meetings with schools were hard to get even though the product had been endorsed by many teachers. In 2014, we only managed to get two significant customers who loved the product enough to trust us with the homework of a thousand students. We worked closely with them to build all the services aimed at teachers. Thanks to them PrepMyFuture became an attractive alternative to traditional study materials.
- The manager of the course could set up a timetable of mandatory activities. The students were doing their homework online between each class.
- Homework is corrected automatically. Teachers can easily check the completion of their students’ work and give participation grades. These grades can be automatically generated and exported to an Excel file.
- Teachers can track their students’ performance with precision and efficiency. They can identify weaknesses as well as the most relevant activities for their classes.
- Schools can evaluate the level of their students using online tests. Many schools use PrepMyFuture as a placement test or/and track the evolution of the performance every month.