IMMERSION PROGRAM in Business French
IMMERSION PROGRAM in Business French is the best job-oriented French course in India. It is a 1008-hour French language learning program spread over 108 days to achieve mastery of the French language. It is now possible to learn this romantic language in just 6 months’ time. HERE AND NOW’s IMMERSION PROGRAM is the most effective, fastest, intensive, full-time program ever.
Please scroll below to have a deep understanding of the IMMERSION PROGRAM.
This page is divided into 5 parts
- Disclaminer
- Learning Journey
- Six Levels of CEFRL
- Immersion intro
- Why Immersion
- Speciality
- Programme
- Methodology
- Kit
- Fee structure
- Kalam Scholarship
- Do’s & don’ts
Job Placement
- MNC Placement
- Institutions
- Alumni
Disclaimer from Team HERE AND NOW
The following content is not suitable for all audiences. It is strictly designed for people with great vision or sincere souls which are looking for a direction in their personal growth. Also, Those who have a burning desire to succeed and searching for a mentor. We are neither promising an easy path nor a shortcut.
But the most rewarding path in your life.
Come on, let’s walk together & leave a legacy
Language Learning is a Journey

Learning a new language at HERE AND NOW, is not just a practice of acquiring different words or phrases. Whereas you will be exposed to a new culture as well as the people behind the existence of that language. Being exposed to a different culture might be exciting and at HERE AND NOW, we say language learning is a journey.
A beautiful journey of finding your alter ego. One of the best ways to find yourself and discover more of yourself is evaluating your strengths and weaknesses. This is what the professors of HERE AND NOW would help you achieve.
Learning a language isn’t about simply reaching a destination. It’s all about the growth, change, and movement that happens on your way to the finish line—that is what’s important. As you travel, you will reinvent yourself and will create a new you.
Even though IMMERSION PROGRAM is the best job-oriented French course, the bottom line is to speak with clarity and confidence. At this point, Language should also be used to promote tolerance and empathy towards any differences. The key here is to not leave a value of own language and move on to another language but to acknowledge your true identity and embrace a new culture. Come on, let’s get to know about the best job-oriented French course in the country.
6 Levels of CEFRL 🇪🇺
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment abbreviated in English as CEFR or CEF or CEFRL, is a guideline used to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe and, increasingly, in other countries. The CEFR is also intended to make it easier for educational institutions and employers to evaluate the language qualifications of candidates for education admission or employment. Its main aim is to provide a method of learning, teaching and assessing that applies to all languages in Europe.
It was put together by the Council of Europe as the main part of the project “Language Learning for European Citizenship” between 1989 and 1996. In November 2001, a European Union Council Resolution recommended using the CEFR to set up systems of validation of language ability. The six reference levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) are becoming widely accepted as the European standard for grading an individual’s language proficiency.
There are six levels in the French Language.
Click here to know more: CEFRL
IMMERSION PROGRAM is a complete dive into the language learning & speaking world. Here, we give you only one option. Either you master the language or you master the language. Yeah, you’ve read it right. It is not written by mistake. The only way to get-out of HERE AND NOW is by mastering the language. Candidates who have followed the IMMERSION Regime strictly and demonstrated discipline have succeeded with flying colors.
The IMMERSION PROGRAM is a 108 day regime through which you can master the French Language (A1-B2). It is an intensive, fast and full-filled classroom program. This program is ideal for Job seekers, Overseas education and Canadian Immigration Aspirants.
IMMERSION PROGRAM gives you the power to show your linguistic dominance in the ever changing corporate world. HERE AND NOW has designed a Regime of 108 days having the real life and corporate challenges in mind.
Why B2 ?
There are 6 levels in the journey of learning French, viz. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. However corporate companies consider B2 as the proficient level among the six levels. Because with B2 level of competency, it is possible to easily communicate with the native French speakers. B2 is what we focus on achieving in the IMMERSION PROGRAM. The certifying body for this program is CCI Paris – Ile de France. Since HERE AND NOW provides 100% job assurance at the successful completion of the IMMERSION PROGRAM, it is called the best job oriented French course.
There are 3 reasons why one should pursue IMMERSION PROGRAM (A1-B2) in order to get the desired result.
Program Structure
Duration & Intakes of the Immersion program:
The course duration is for 6 months. There are four intakes every year (January, April, July, and October).
IMMERSION PROGRAM | Duration (in days) | Duration (in months) | Duration (in hours) | Days | Timings |
Warm-up | 18 days | 1 month | 36 hours | Mon-Fri | 8 AM to 10 AM |
A1 | 24 days | 1 month | 216 hours | Mon-Fri | 8 AM to 6 PM |
A2 | 24 days | 1 month | 216 hours | Mon-Fri | 8 AM to 6 PM |
B1 | 30 days | 1.5 months | 270 hours | Mon-Fri | 8 AM to 6 PM |
B2 | 30 days | 1.5 months | 270 hours | Mon-Fri | 8 AM to 6 PM |
A1 to B2 | 108 days | 6 months | 1008 hours | Mon-Fri | 8 AM to 6 PM |
The HERE AND NOW Methodology:

Mental Preparatory Sessions
- The Ethics of HERE AND NOW
- Ethics of Learning Online
- Learning Theories
- The 6 Pillar Education
Physical Study Materials
Online Study Materials
Fee structure
Lowest Course Fee in India
DESCRIPTION | Course fee (INR) | Course Fee (USD) |
Tuition Fee (A1 to B2) | 1008 hours X 87 (INR) | ₹ 1 17 008 | $ 1 468 |
Study materials | ₹10000 | $ 126 |
HN Exam Fee (A1 to B2) | ₹ 2 917 | $ 59 |
Total Fee | ₹ 1 29 925 | $ 1 837 |
Seats allotment:
We accept only 21 students per intake. Among which we have 5 seats for International students and 5 seats for students who are from outside Chennai, since we have been having students learning French from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. We can help find accommodation for the students whose native is not Chennai. Besides that, the living expenses (food and accommodation) will be taken-care by the students.
Faculties members in Immersion Program:
Our faculty members are Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCI), Paris, Ile-de-France certified teachers. They demonstrate a passion for teaching and learning the language.
Enroll yourself with HERE AND NOW to taste the world’s best Linguistic Skill Acquisition (LSA) program, designed for the rebels and change-makers.
Required Commitment During the Program:
- 100% Attendance is mandatory
- No Full-Time Job can be taken during The IMMERSION PROGRAM.
- Teaching French as a Part time job is recommended
- Absenteeism is not at all allowed
- No additional skill can be learned during The IMMERSION PROGRAM. For eg. Music, Dance, Learning other languages
- Participants cannot come late for the class
How to successfully Master French ?

“Work like hell. I mean you just have to put in 80 to 100-hour weeks every week. [This] improves the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40-hour work weeks and you’re putting in 100-hour work weeks, then even if you’re doing the same thing you know that you will achieve in 4 months what it takes them a year to achieve.“
– Elon Musk
Are you
the Crazy One?
Immersion Program = Massive Thinking + Massive Action
In order to Achieve
How IMMERSION PROGRAM is the best job oriented French course ?
MNC Placements:
Our Alumni:
Students of HERE AND NOW placed in various MNC’s, IT Sectors around the Globe and several schools and colleges as well. Other than this there are various other domains like translation, interpretation etc.
HERE AND NOW has a 100% track record in placements for students who have sucessfully comopleted the course with 100% attendance and commitment.
To know more : Alumni of HERE AND NOW