Immigrants who studied in Canada earned more.

Discover the benefits of studying in Canada, including higher earnings, improved language skills, and pathways to permanent residency.


Studying abroad lets international students gain new experiences, improve their language skills, and advance their career. Canada is a popular destination due to its excellent education, welcoming culture, and diverse job market. In this article, we’ll explore how studying in Canada benefits international students’ earnings and careers.

Improved Language Skills:

One of the biggest benefits of studying in Canada is the opportunity to improve language skills. Canada is a bilingual country, with English and French as its official languages. International students who study in Canada have the opportunity to improve their language skills by taking language courses and communicating with locals. This is essential for success in the Canadian job market, where proficiency in English and French is highly valued.

Acquired Canadian Work Experience:

Another advantage of studying in Canada is the opportunity to gain Canadian work experience.

International students in Canada can work part-time while studying, gaining valuable work experience in their field. This boosts their employability after graduation and is highly valued by Canadian employers.

This can lead to better job opportunities and higher salaries in the long term.

Higher Earnings Potential:

A 2022 study by Statistics Canada found that immigrants who studied in Canada earned more than those who did not. This is due to their improved language skills and acquired Canadian work experience.

Those with Canadian study experience tend to be younger, more educated, and more likely to speak an official language. Studying in Canada improves language skills and provides work experience for international students, leading to higher long-term earnings.

Opportunities for Permanent Residency:

Studying in Canada can also lead to opportunities for permanent residency through one of Canada’s over 100 economic class immigration streams. These streams are designed to attract skilled workers to Canada and provide them with a path to permanent residency. International students who have studied in Canada and gained Canadian work experience may be eligible for these streams, making it easier for them to become permanent residents of Canada.

Post-Graduation Work Permit:

International students in Canada may also be eligible for a Post-Graduation work permit (PGWP) after completing their studies. The PGWP allows international students to gain Canadian work experience and improve their chances of finding employment in Canada. The PGWP is valid for up to three years and can be a stepping stone to permanent residency in Canada.

Education Level and Age:

Canada has a strong education system and attracts a large number of international students. Immigrants who study in Canada tend to be younger and more educated than those who do not. This is an important factor in determining their earnings potential, as younger and more educated immigrants are more likely to find better-paying jobs that require specialized skills and education.

Long-term Earnings Potential:

While immigrants with Canadian study experience may earn less in the first few years due to pursuing further education, they tend to earn higher wages in the long term.

Canadian employers highly value the language skills and Canadian work experience acquired by international students. This is why they earn more.

They are also more likely to find employment in their field of study and have better job opportunities due to their education and work experience.


Studying in Canada offers international students many benefits, such as better language skills, Canadian work experience, higher earnings, and PR opportunities. Canada’s education, culture, and job market make it perfect for career advancement and new experiences. Choose to study in Canada for success in your career.

Provincial Nominee Program(PNP) – Ontario Update

Learn about plan to increase skilled immigration Ontario intake through the OINP and drive economic growth in the province.


Skilled Immigration Ontario through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) to address labor shortages and promote economic growth. The government’s plan includes doubling the intake of skilled immigrants and investing $25 million in the program to expedite processing times. Additionally, investments in skills training, apprenticeships, and housing affordability will help newcomers establish themselves in the workforce and in the province.

Ontario Doubles Skilled Immigration Intake

The labor shortage in Ontario has been a longstanding issue, which has hindered economic growth. A recent report by the Conference Board of Canada suggests that Ontario will be short of about 364,000 workers by 2025. Ontario plans to double skilled immigration intake through the OINP to fill labor market gaps and drive growth.

Ontario Invests $25 Million to Speed Up Processing

To expedite the processing times of the OINP, the Ontario government is investing $25 million over the next three years. This investment will enable newcomers to start working in their professions as quickly as possible. Delays in processing can be a barrier for newcomers, and this investment will show that the government values the contributions of skilled immigrants.

Ontario Invests in Skills Training and Apprenticeships

To address the issue of unrecognized skills, the government is investing in skills training and apprenticeships. This investment will help newcomers bridge the skills gap and get the training they need to succeed in the workforce. The investment in skills training and apprenticeships will make it easier for newcomers to establish themselves in the labor market.

Ontario Addresses Housing Affordability Issues

Housing affordability is another issue that affects newcomers to Ontario. To address this issue, the government is investing in affordable housing to help newcomers find suitable accommodation. Ontario’s goal of building 1.5 million homes by 2031 is much-needed to address housing affordability.

A Comprehensive Approach to a Complex Issue

The Ontario government’s plan to address the labor shortage and promote economic growth through skilled immigration, skills training, and affordable housing is a comprehensive approach to a complex issue. Ontario’s investments send a message of welcome and value to skilled immigrants.

Will DELF B2 help in TEF Canada preparation?

Preparing for the Test d’Evaluation de Français (TEF) Canada exam can be a daunting task for anyone looking to study, work or immigrate to Canada. However, if you’ve already obtained the Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) B2 certificate, you are already one step closer to achieving your goal.

How can DELF B2 help in TEF Canada preparation?

  1. Similarities in format and evaluation criteria

Both the DELF B2 and TEF Canada exams have similar formats and use similar evaluation criteria. The TEF Canada exam is divided into four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Each section is designed to assess your ability to use the French language accurately, fluently, and appropriately in a variety of contexts.

Similarly, the DELF B2 exam evaluates your proficiency in the same four areas.

  1. Developing the necessary skills

DELF B2 skills – understanding complex texts, expressing opinions, constructing arguments – are similar to TEF Canada. Prepare for DELF B2 to develop skills for TEF Canada success.

  1. A recognized benchmark for French language proficiency

The DELF B2 is recognized as a benchmark for French language proficiency by many universities and employers. DELF B2 certifies solid French proficiency for jobs and study.

  1. Increased confidence

Preparing for and obtaining the DELF B2 certificate can also help to increase your confidence in using the French language. Confidence is a key factor in language proficiency, and the more confident you are in your abilities, the more likely you are to succeed in the TEF Canada exam.


Preparing for the DELF B2 exam can certainly help in your preparation for the TEF Canada examPreparing for DELF B2 develops skills for TEF Canada success. It’s also recognized by universities and employers, improving study or job opportunities.

How to prepare for the TEF Canada speaking test?

The speaking section of the Test d’évaluation de français pour le Canada (TEF Canada) is designed to assess your ability to communicate in French in real-life situations. If you’re planning to take the TEF Canada exam, it’s important to prepare for the speaking section to ensure you are confident and ready on test day.

Here are some tips on how to prepare for the TEF Canada speaking test:

Step 1: Practice speaking French regularly

The best way to improve your speaking skills is to practice speaking French regularly. Try to speak with native French speakers, join a language exchange program, or take a speaking course to improve your pronunciation and fluency. This will help you feel more comfortable expressing yourself in French during the speaking test.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the test format

The speaking test consists of three parts: an interview, a role play, and a presentation. Familiarize yourself with the test format and what is expected of you in each part. For example, in the interview section, the examiner will ask you questions about your background, interests, and experiences. Knowing what to expect can help you feel more comfortable and confident during the test.

Step 3: Expand your vocabulary

Learn new words and expressions that are relevant to the topics covered in the speaking test. This will help you communicate more effectively and express your ideas more clearly. You can use language learning apps, read French news articles, or watch French TV shows to expand your vocabulary.

Step 4: Use audio and video resources

Watch French films, listen to French radio programs, and use language learning apps to improve your listening comprehension and accent. This will help you understand spoken French better and communicate more effectively during the speaking test.

Step 5:Take a preparation course

Consider taking a preparation course specifically for the TEF Canada speaking test. A course can provide you with targeted practice and feedback from a qualified instructor. This can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop a personalized study plan.

Step 6: Time yourself

Practice speaking within the time limits of each part of the test. This will help you develop a sense of timing and pace yourself during the test. You can use a timer or stopwatch to keep track of your time.

Remember to stay calm and confident during the speaking test. The examiner is looking for your ability to communicate in French, not your perfect grammar or accent. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can prepare for the TEF Canada speaking test and feel more confident on test day.

The process for taking the TEF Canada exam

The Test d’évaluation de français pour le Canada (TEF Canada) is a standardized test that assesses the level of proficiency in the French language for those who wish to study, work, or immigrate to Canada.

If you’re planning to take the TEF Canada exam, here’s a step-by-step guide on the process:

Step 1: Find a testing center

The first step to taking the TEF Canada exam is to find an authorized testing center near you. The Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris Île-de-France (CCIP) is the organization responsible for administering the TEF Canada exam worldwide. You can find a list of approved testing centers on the CCIP website.

Step 2: Register for the exam

Once you’ve found a testing center, the next step is to register for the TEF Canada exam. Contact the testing center directly to inquire about registration and exam fees. Fees may vary depending on the center you choose.

Step 3: Prepare for the exam

Preparing for the TEF Canada exam is important to ensure you are ready for the test day. You can prepare on your own or take a preparation course at the testing center or online. The CCIP website provides resources and sample tests that can help you prepare for the exam. Additionally, you can find many French language learning resources online, including podcasts, videos, and language exchange programs.

Step 4: Take the exam

On the day of the exam, arrive at the testing center on time with the required identification documents. The exam consists of four mandatory sections: oral comprehension, oral expression, written comprehension, and written expression. The duration of each section may vary depending on the testing center. Some centers may also offer optional sections such as vocabulary or structure. It’s important to read the instructions carefully and ask the invigilator any questions you may have before starting the exam.

Step 5: Receive your results

The results of the TEF Canada exam are typically available within three to four weeks after the exam date. The test center will provide you with an official certificate that shows your scores for each section. The certificate also includes a level equivalent to the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) and the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) frameworks.

Step 6: Use your results

You can use your TEF Canada results to demonstrate your proficiency in French for purposes such as immigration, education, or employment in Canada. The TEF Canada exam is recognized by the Canadian government and many Canadian organizations. It’s important to note that the TEF Canada exam is valid for two years from the date of the exam. After that time, you will need to retake the exam to demonstrate your current level of French proficiency.

In conclusion, the TEF Canada exam is a valuable tool for those who wish to demonstrate their proficiency in French for Canadian immigration, education, or employment purposes. By following the above steps, you can prepare and take the exam with confidence, and use your results to achieve your goals in Canada.

The steps to obtain Canadian citizenship

The comprehensive guide on the steps to obtain Canadian citizenship, including eligibility, requirements, and benefits of becoming a citizen.

How to Become a Permanent Resident in Canada and Obtain Canadian Citizenship

Canada is a welcoming and diverse country that attracts people from all over the world. Many people aspire to become permanent residents in Canada and eventually obtain Canadian citizenship. In this article, we will go through the steps to becoming a permanent resident in Canada and obtaining Canadian citizenship.

Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility

The first step in becoming a permanent resident in Canada is to determine your eligibility. Apply for various immigration programs like Express Entry, PNP, Family Sponsorship, etc., based on eligibility criteria.

Canada designed the Express Entry program for skilled workers who wish to immigrate to Canada permanently, and it is one of the most popular immigration programs.

To be eligible for the Express Entry program, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Have a minimum of one year of skilled work experience
  • Meet the language requirements in English or French
  • Have enough funds to support yourself and your family
  • Meet the minimum points requirement in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)

CRS evaluates your profile based on age, education, work experience, language proficiency, etc. A high CRS score can invite you for Express Entry.

Step 2: Apply for Permanent Residence

Once you have determined your eligibility, you can submit your application for permanent residence. You can apply online or by mail, and you will need to provide personal information, educational background, work experience, and other supporting documents. The processing time varies depending on the program you apply for.

Submit personal info, docs, medical exam, and police certificate to ensure admissibility to Canada.The police clearance certificate will show that you do not have a criminal record or pose a security risk.

Step 3: Receive a Permanent Resident Visa

Canada will issue you a permanent resident visa if your application is approved, enabling you to live and work in Canada. The visa typically remains valid for five years and can be renewed if you meet the residency obligation.

Step 4: Meet Residency Obligations

As a permanent resident, you will need to meet the residency obligation of being physically present in Canada for at least 730 days in every five-year period. This means that you will need to spend at least two out of every five years in Canada to maintain your permanent resident status.

If you do not meet the residency obligation, you may lose your permanent resident status and may not be able to re-enter Canada. Therefore, it is important to plan your travel and ensure that you meet the residency obligation.

Step 5: Apply for Canadian Citizenship

After meeting the residency obligation and other requirements, you can apply for Canadian citizenship. To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Have been physically present in Canada for at least 1,460 days in the past six years
  • Meet the language requirements in English or French
  • Pass a citizenship test
  • Be a permanent resident of Canada

Step 6: Obtain Canadian Citizenship

Canada will grant you Canadian citizenship and issue you a Canadian passport once they approve your application for citizenship.

Becoming a permanent resident in Canada and obtaining citizenship can be a lengthy process, but Canada’s high standard of living, healthcare system, and cultural diversity make it worth it. Research immigration programs, follow the steps outlined in this article, and take advantage of resources provided by the Canadian government to settle and integrate into your new home.

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a DAAD Scholarship for Postgraduate Study in Germany

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is a well-known organization that provides scholarships to international students who want to pursue postgraduate studies in Germany. However, the application process for a DAAD scholarship can be highly competitive. This article will provide some tips on how to increase your chances of getting a DAAD scholarship for postgraduate study in Germany.

  1. Research the DAAD scholarship program thoroughly:
    It is important to familiarize yourself with the various types of DAAD scholarships that are available for postgraduate study in Germany. Research the eligibility criteria and application deadlines for each scholarship program. Also, pay attention to the required documents and language requirements. This will help you prepare your application package more effectively.
  2. Start your application early:
    The DAAD scholarship application process can be time-consuming, so it is important to start your application early. Plan your application timeline carefully, taking into account the application deadlines for the scholarship programs you are interested in. This will give you enough time to gather all the required documents and submit a strong application.
  3. Meet the eligibility criteria:
    Make sure that you meet all the eligibility criteria for the DAAD scholarship program you are applying for. This may include having a certain level of academic achievement, language proficiency, or work experience. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria, your application may be rejected.
  4. Prepare a strong application package:
    To increase your chances of getting a DAAD scholarship, it is important to prepare a strong application package. This should include a well-written statement of purpose, academic transcripts, reference letters, and any other documents required by the scholarship program. Your application package should demonstrate your academic excellence, research potential, and commitment to your field of study.
  5. Demonstrate your language proficiency:
    Most DAAD scholarship programs require applicants to have a certain level of proficiency in the German language. If you are not a native German speaker, you should take a German language course or prepare for a language proficiency test such as the TestDaF or DSH. A good score on these tests can greatly improve your chances of getting a DAAD scholarship.
  6. Build your professional network:
    Building a professional network in your field of study can help you increase your chances of getting a DAAD scholarship. Attend conferences and seminars, participate in research projects, and seek out opportunities to work with researchers and professors in your field. This can help you establish relationships with potential supervisors and mentors who can support your application.


In Conclusion, Getting a DAAD scholarship for postgraduate study in Germany is a competitive process, but it is not impossible. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting a scholarship and achieve your academic and career goals in Germany.

Scholarships for International MBA Students in Germany: Covering Living Expenses

Studying for an MBA in Germany can be a great opportunity for international students to gain world-class education and experience a new culture. However, financing an MBA degree can be challenging, especially for students who also need to cover living expenses. Fortunately, there are scholarship opportunities available that cover living expenses for international MBA students in Germany.

  1. Deutschlandstipendium Scholarship:
    The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship is a government-funded scholarship that supports talented and high-achieving students, regardless of their nationality. The scholarship provides financial support of €300 per month for one year, and it can be extended for the duration of the MBA program. In addition to the financial support, scholarship recipients also receive mentoring and networking opportunities.
  2. DAAD Scholarship:
    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides scholarships for international students to pursue postgraduate studies, including MBA programs. The scholarship covers tuition fees and provides a monthly stipend of €850. Additionally, the scholarship provides health insurance, travel allowance, and a study subsidy. The application process for DAAD scholarships is highly competitive, and applicants are required to demonstrate academic excellence and leadership potential.
  3. Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship:
    The Heinrich Boll Foundation offers scholarships for international students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in Germany. The scholarship supports students who are committed to environmental protection, social justice, and human rights. The scholarship provides a monthly stipend of €850, as well as health insurance and travel allowances. The application process is highly competitive and requires applicants to demonstrate a strong commitment to the foundation’s values.
  4. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarship:
    The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Foundation provides scholarships to international students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in Germany, including MBA programs. The scholarship covers tuition fees and provides a monthly stipend of €850. Additionally, the scholarship provides a travel allowance, health insurance, and language course funding. The application process is competitive, and applicants are required to demonstrate academic excellence and a strong commitment to the foundation’s values.
  5. Rotary International Scholarship:
    Rotary International provides scholarships for international students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in Germany. The scholarship supports students who are committed to service and leadership in their communities. The scholarship covers tuition fees and provides a monthly stipend of €1,000. Additionally, the scholarship provides travel allowances and language course funding. The application process is competitive, and applicants are required to demonstrate academic excellence and a strong commitment to community service.


In Conclusion, International MBA students in Germany have access to a range of scholarship opportunities that cover living expenses. These scholarships not only provide financial support but also offer mentoring and networking opportunities, health insurance, travel allowances, and language course funding. However, the application process for these scholarships is highly competitive, and applicants are required to demonstrate academic excellence, leadership potential, and a strong commitment to the values of the sponsoring organization.

Private Scholarship Opportunities for International Master’s Students in Germany

Studying for a master’s degree in Germany as an international student can be an expensive undertaking. However, private scholarships are available to help students offset the cost of tuition, accommodation, and other living expenses. In this article, we will explore some private scholarship opportunities available for foreign master’s students in Germany.

  1. Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship:
    The Heinrich Böll Foundation offers scholarships to international students pursuing a master’s degree in Germany. This scholarship is awarded based on academic excellence, social and political engagement, and personal merit. Applicants must be enrolled in a German university and demonstrate a commitment to environmental protection, human rights, and social justice.
  2. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Scholarship:
    The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung scholarship is available for international students who wish to pursue a master’s degree in Germany. This scholarship is open to students from all disciplines who have a strong academic record and demonstrate a commitment to social and political issues.
  3. Deutschland Stipendium Scholarship:
    The Deutschland Stipendium scholarship is available to both German and international students who wish to pursue a master’s degree in Germany. This scholarship is awarded based on academic merit and financial need. It provides students with a monthly stipend of €300 for a year, which can be extended to cover the duration of their studies.
  4. DAAD Scholarship:
    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships to international students who wish to pursue a master’s degree in Germany. This scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, and health insurance costs. The DAAD scholarship is highly competitive and is awarded based on academic merit, language skills, and research potential.
  5. Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship:
    The Friedrich Ebert Foundation offers scholarships to international students who wish to pursue a master’s degree in Germany. This scholarship is awarded based on academic merit, social and political engagement, and personal merit. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to social democracy, social justice, and equal opportunities.


In Conclusion, Private scholarships provide an excellent opportunity for international students to pursue a master’s degree in Germany. These scholarships not only help students cover their tuition fees and living expenses but also provide an opportunity to engage in social and political issues. Students are advised to research and apply for scholarships well in advance to increase their chances of being awarded one.

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Scholarship in Germany as an International Student

Getting a scholarship as an international student can be a challenging task. However, with careful planning and research, you can increase your chances of getting a scholarship to study in Germany. In this article, we will discuss some useful tips and strategies that can help you in securing a scholarship in Germany.

  1. Start Early and Research Thoroughly:
    It is essential to start your scholarship search as early as possible. Researching thoroughly on the scholarships available in Germany and their eligibility criteria will help you to identify the ones that match your profile. Make a list of scholarships, their deadlines, and requirements.
  2. Look for Funding Sources:
    Apart from scholarships offered by the German government, there are several other sources of funding for international students in Germany. These include scholarships offered by private foundations, universities, and international organizations. Research on all these funding sources and apply for as many scholarships as you can.
  3. Meet the Eligibility Criteria:
    Most scholarships in Germany have specific eligibility criteria, and you must meet these criteria to be considered for the scholarship. Some scholarships are based on academic excellence, while others require social or extracurricular activities. Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying for any scholarship.
  4. Improve Your Language Skills:
    One way to improve your chances of getting a scholarship in Germany is by improving your language skills. German is the language of instruction in most universities in Germany, and being fluent in German can give you an advantage over other applicants. Therefore, consider taking a language course or certification to improve your language proficiency.
  5. Showcase Your Skills and Experience:
    When applying for a scholarship, you must showcase your skills and experience to the selection committee. This could include your academic achievements, research experience, social and extracurricular activities, and work experience. Make sure you highlight all relevant achievements and experiences in your application.
  6. Submit a Strong Application:
    Your scholarship application is the first impression you make on the selection committee. Therefore, ensure that your application is well-written, error-free, and meets all the requirements of the scholarship. You may also want to seek feedback from your professors or other professionals before submitting your application.


In Conclusion, Getting a scholarship to study in Germany as an international student requires effort and dedication. By starting your scholarship search early, looking for funding sources, meeting the eligibility criteria, improving your language skills, showcasing your skills and experience, and submitting a strong application, you can increase your chances of securing a scholarship in Germany. Remember to research thoroughly and apply for as many scholarships as you can to maximize your chances of success.